Monday, August 13, 2012

Life with a busy 22 month old

Where do I start???? Colt has been doing things that typical 22 month olds do :) including testing his mommys patience.But I am so grateful that he is doing things that a healthy child should be doing. Some of you may know that colt is a little delayed in speech, which is no surprise considering what he has been through and all the chemo he had. I had colt evaluated by ECI last month since the speech wait list is a year long at TCH. ECI comes to our home and works with colt once a week. I have no doubt with their help colt will be back on track with his speech in know time. With that being said, he had a hearing test today to rule out that he couldn't hear us talking to him....he passed with flying colors. In July colt had his one year post transplant test. All of his test came in the normal ranges. He also had some more immune system studies sent to Cincinnati and all of those came back in the normal ranges of a healthy child as well. He is still 100% donor :) speaking of his donor....we haven't heard anything since December but colts doctor said a lot of young male donors are in the service and do not receive their letters until they come back from deployment. Colt also got his first 2 vaccines last month. He had no side effects from the shots, thank god! The doctor tried to draw labs today to send off and see if his immune system mounted a response to the vaccines BUT colt is a very hard stick. So after 3 hours of searching for a vein, his doctors and nurses decided to schedule him to be sedated next week and thy will do his labs like that. Apparently, chemo can cause his veins to be extremely small ad short, making it difficult to draw blood from. Like the poor kid hasn't been through enough hell, he now has to be tortured with horrible blood draws because of his dang tiny veins!!! But colt is a tough cookie and I think it hurts me more to watch him scream and cry. Thank you to everyone who continues to pray for our sweet boy :)

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